HCB Settings Rule
In March 2014 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule for home and community based programs. The rule requires the Agency to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on substantive changes to home and community based service waiver programs and to ensure persons who receive Medicaid home and community based services do so in an environment, and from providers who:
- Involve them in the care planning process
- Help them to be active in the community
- Provide a home-like environment if a person lives in a group home, assisted living facility or adult family care home
- Enable them to make personal choices
The Agency developed a Statewide Transition Plan detailing the steps to be taken to implement the rule. The Statewide Transition Plan contains the following information:
- An overview of the federal rule
- Planned transition activities
- An action plan
- Details on the public comment process
Statewide Transition Plan
HCB Settings Plan Training
Plan Assessment Tool Training – October 24, 2019
Plan Assessment Tool Audio Recording – October 24, 2019
HCB Settings- Assessment and Remediation Tools
Presumptively Institutional Settings
Reference Information
HCBS Settings Rule Quick Reference
HCBS Rule Overview and Transition Planning 2014
Federal Register: CMS-2249-F and CMS 2296-F